Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Community Health Worker

A new Kageno employee, Pamela, is running a community health service for Rusinga. It is a fantastic addition to this community. After visiting many homes with Pamela last week, I understand her services are required. However, many more are needed in order to effectively work. She can in no way provide the services required of the community alone. Thus, Kageno is figuring a way to provide more community health workers. They would be able to do home visits, work with the various community AIDS/HIV groups, provide education to the community on various issues: nutrition, sanitation, HIV/AIDS, ETC. I feel that adding many more of these community health workers will provide the education and health care the community here requires. It can be difficult for many too ill to come to clinic. It can also be difficult to educated many together. Going to the community homes, discussing issues close to their hearts will help bring this community closer. Over my weeks here, my time spent in homes was the most worth my while. Speaking with patients, addressing their questions and concerns, and providing comfort and empathy for their ailments is something that is needed here. With more community health workers, concerns of the community will hopefully be address and treated, and lives will be saved through education and treatment.

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